Israel-Gaza War, Charedim, Interior Ministry

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel To Assist Netzach Yehudah Association, Which Works to Recuit Charedim

With the uproar over the draft exemption for Charedi yeshivah students, Interior Minister Arbel sent a letter to the Netzach Yehudah association saying "we will help with everything you need."

(Photo: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel sent a letter yesterday (Thursday) to Yossi Levi, Director of the Netzach Yehudah association, which helps integrate Charedim into the IDF, saying “their central mission at this time is to integrate Charedim into long and significant combat service due to the great national need which arose in the wake of the war.”

“I invite you to make use of me and my office staff for assistance in anything required for the sake of the mission. There is no doubt that your holy work is incomparably important and sanctifies the name of Heaven. On your shoulders rests the mission to zealously protect the right and duty to preserve our way of life as fearing the word of God throughout the entire army service.”

Levi responded to the letter:

“I was glad to receive the letter of Interior Minister Moshe Arbel. We see signs of change in Charedi society in its attitude to the IDF and the shared bearing of the burden. There is no doubt that the events of the 7th of October caused all of us to internalize that we have no other privilege and that anyone that can must enlist in the IDF.”

“As the Director of the Netzach Yehudah association accompanying Charedi enlistment into the IDF for years, I can say that these are quality guys who come with high morale and a fierce desire to protect the state and everyone who enlists is a world unto themselves who underwent a far from simple path to reach this status.”

“Therefore, it our duty to embrace and encourage them and understand that they are the future of integrating the Charedi community in Israeli society – both in the army and the economy.”


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