2024 Elections

US Elections 2024, Trump, Biden, Kamala Harris
Trumps reaction to Biden's withdrawal "He was not fit to be President"

Trump has spoken out following Biden announcing he is dropping out of the presidential race. He criticises both Biden and VP Harris saying "Harris will be easier to beat than Biden."

Eliana Fleming | 21.07.24

Biden, US Elections, Kamala Harris, Democratic nominees

Biden quits 2024 presidential race, endorses Harris for White House

Joe Biden has endorsed Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination after withdrawing from his re-election bid against Donald Trump – live updates.

Eliana Fleming | 21.07.24

Elections, America, Trump

J.D. Vance might soon be  U.S. Vice President: What does that mean for Israel? 

J.D. Vance has emerged as a strong supporter of Israel, advocating for continued U.S. military aid and the relocation of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Despite facing criticism for some controversial statements, Vance remains a vocal proponent of Israel's right to self-defense and a hard-line stance against Iran.

Gila Isaacson | 16.07.24

Politics, United States

George Clooney calls on Joe Biden to end reelection campaign

In a New York Times op-ed, actor and Democratic stalwart George Clooney called for a new nominee.

Avi Woolf | 10.07.24

France Elections 2024, Left-wing, politics

French elections: crucial twist as left wing alliance takes lead 

France sees highest voter turnout since 1981, with 61% as of 5pm in second round of France’s snap parliamentary election. But as live updates come in, results seem to have drastically swung in other direction since first round of elections, france 24 news reports.

Eliana Fleming | 07.07.24

2024 UK Elections, politics

Predictions for UK elections and what this means for Israel?

Major historic change is expected for election results in Great Britain: so why the change? and who will be the next Prime Minister? 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 03.07.24

Politics, United States

Biden's electoral woes continue with new poll

A new CBS poll shows Trump taking the lead and a gap of 10 points between the enthusiasm of Republicans and Democrats to vote for their candidate.

Avi Woolf | 03.07.24

Politics, United States

"I don't know who's making decisions": Multiple Democratic lawmakers increasingly frustrated with Biden

Axios reports that multiple Democratic lawmakers are increasingly anxious about losing not just the White House but also both Houses of Congress due to the President's debate and post-debate conduct.

Avi Woolf | 03.07.24

Politics, United States

Trump maintains narrow lead and massive enthusiasm gap in post-debate poll

A USA Today/Suffolk poll shows Donald Trump leading President Biden by three points, but with a nearly thirty digit gap in terms of voter enthusiasm.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

France elections, Paris Left-wing protests

Left-wingers storm Paris as violent protests erupt amid initial election results

With the Right-wing national rally taking the lead in French elections, Leftist groups take to the streets to riot and protest across France.

Eliana Fleming | 01.07.24

French elections, Right-wing, EU

Live Updates: Far-right  Leads Initial French Election Results

Voting closed today (30 June) for the snap legislative elections to elect 577 National Assembly representatives. Early reports show significant support for the far right.

Eliana Fleming | 30.06.24

Donald Trump

Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts in hush money trial

Donald Trump has been found guilty of falsifying business documents to conceal a crime.

Avi Woolf | 30.05.24

Donald Trump, Elections

Donald Trump to Appeal Court Decision Rejecting His Claim of Immunity

In a social media post, Trump called the decision "nation-destroying."

Avi Woolf | 06.02.24