The Massacre in Basmat Tab'un

The massacre in Basmat Tab'un | The neighbor of the murdered people drives Ben-Gvir away: "Go home"

The neighbor of the victims in Basmat Tab'un harshly criticized National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who arrived at the scene, saying: "It's time for this minister to go home. It's all theater here. Why is he even coming here? He should go home. He has nothing to do here"

(Photo: Shir Torem/Flash90)

The massacre in Basmat Tab'un. With the arrival of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir at the scene of the murder, he was driven away amid shouts by the neighbors of the victims, who harshly confronted him.

"Here comes the provocateur. He's destroying the country. We served in the army, we did everything for the country. Look at how our sector appears?"

The neighbor continued to shout at Ben Gvir, "Soon it will start in the Jewish sector too. It won't end. It's time for this minister to go home. It's all theater here. Why is he even here? He should go home. He has nothing to do here."

Ben-Gvir expelled from Basmat Tab'un (Photo: Yair Amar)

He also had accusations against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, starting with the appointment of a more suitable person for the role of Minister of National Security: "We have a good police force. Minister Aharonovich did what no one else did. Let him learn from him. There was Kahalani. There have been real ministers in this country. This minister should go home. Shame and disgrace."

Mr. Bibi, come here, come to the village. We want to see you. When there were elections, you came to the village – you sat in a tent. You didn't do anything."

5 killed in the massacre - three shooters with automatic weapons

In the massacre in Basmat Tab'un in the Jezreel Valley, 5 family members were murdered – 4 men and one woman: the father of the family, aged 49; the mother, aged 47; their son, aged 25; and two nephews, aged 14 and 17.

About two hours after the police commissioner left the scene, the Minister of National Security arrived at the location, stayed for a few minutes, and left abruptly without giving a statement to the press.


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