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Shabbat Times, Parashat Vayigash

Shabbat Candle-Lighting Times - Parashat Vayigash

Parashat Vayigash is the eleventh weekly portion in the book of Genesis. The portion continues to describe the events of Joseph, and in fact, it concludes the narrative of Joseph. Shabbat Parashat Vayigash candle-lighting times are:

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1 min read
Shabbat Candle-Lighting
Photo: tomertu, Shutterstock

Shabbat Candle-Lighting Times:


Candle-lighting: 16:04. Shabbat ends: 17:19

Tel Aviv

Candle-lighting: 16:20. Shabbat ends: 17:21


Candle-lighting: 16:11. Shabbat ends: 17:18

Be'er Sheva

Candle-lighting: 16:23. Shabbat ends: 17:22

Gush Etzion

Candle-lighting: 16:24. Shabbat ends: 17:20


Candle-lighting: 16:09. Shabbat ends: 17:19


Candle-lighting: 16:16. Shabbat ends: 17:25


Candle-lighting: 16:11. Shabbat ends: 17:16

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