Anti-Semitic attack at DePaul University

Jewish students attacked by masked assailants at DePaul University

Daylight assault in front of Student Center raises safety concerns, prompts campus-wide alert.

DePaul University (Photo: Joseph Hendrickson/ Shutterstock)

Two Jewish students were assaulted by masked attackers on DePaul University’s Chicago campus Wednesday afternoon, according to a statement from university President Robert Manuel.

The attack occurred in front of the Student Center on the Lincoln Park campus at approximately 3:20 p.m., prompting a public safety alert for the entire campus community.

“I’m appalled to share that the attack targeted two Jewish students at DePaul who were visibly showing their support for Israel,” Manuel stated.

The attackers reportedly punched the two students, who declined medical treatment despite sustaining injuries. “We are outraged that this occurred on our campus. It is completely unacceptable and a violation of DePaul’s values to uphold and care for the dignity of every individual,” Manuel added.

The university has offered support resources to the students and is collaborating with the Chicago Police Department to investigate whether the attack constitutes a hate crime.

“We will do all we can to hold those responsible accountable for this outrageous incident,” he assured.


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