World Central Kitchen work for Hamas

Joe Biden's Medal Pick IGNITES Controversy Over Terror Links

We all know that Biden is old and demented but this is just too much. Go already, Joe. Just go. 

President Biden's choice of celebrity chef José Andrés for the Presidential Medal of Freedom has ignited fierce controversy, with critics raising alarming questions about his humanitarian organization's activities in Gaza and alleged ties to Hamas.

The announcement has drawn sharp criticism from those who claim World Central Kitchen (WCK), Andrés' nonprofit organization, employed individuals with terrorist connections during its Gaza operations. These allegations have cast a shadow over what would typically be a celebrated humanitarian achievement.

Critics specifically point to WCK's presence in Gaza, suggesting the organization's humanitarian mission may have been compromised by local hiring practices.

As reported by JNS, after 7 workers from WCK were tragically killed last year, this is what Andrés said about Israel's war with Hamas: “At the time, this looks like it’s not a war against terrorism anymore. It seems like this is a war against humanity itself.”

Jonah Goldberg, editor-in-chief of The Dispatch was horrified by Andres's comments: "This is a grotesque and wholly unsubstantiated slander."

After he received the medal, Israel activist and influencer Melissa Chapman turned to social media to voice here outrage. Here's what she said:

"A more accurate name for WCT is Hamas Central Kitchen. World Central Kitchen employees participated in the Hamas’s October 7th attack on Israel. Whenever and wherever anti-democracy terrorists exist, Chef Andres is there to support them. He was with his World Kitchen in Gaza embedded with the Hamas Terrorists. He is NOT the good guy and NEVER deserved this award."

Biden also gave a medal to Jewish George Soros, also a Holocaust survivor, but very controversial. His critics range from Viktor Orbán in Hungary to right-wing media in America, all united in opposing what they see as his outsized influence on global politics.


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