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Recite this special segulah for parnasah TODAY (Parshat HaMann)

This isn't just ancient history. It's about the universal anxiety of making ends meet. The story of the mann confronts our deepest fears about financial security. Can we trust that there will be enough? Do we need to constantly hustle and hoard?

Photo: Shutterstock / Liron-afuta
Photo: Shutterstock / Liron-afuta

Every Tuesday of Parshas Beshalach (today), Jews worldwide read about supernatural food delivery - the mann. Before dismissing this as just another ancient miracle story, consider what it reveals about the raw economics of trust and anxiety around making a living.

Here's the backstory: The Israelites, fresh out of Egypt, are wandering in a desert and they're panicking about food. G-d replies with heavenly bread that appears every morning with the dew.

But here's the catch - you can only take what you need for one day. Try hoarding? It rots. Attempt gathering more? Everyone somehow ends up with exactly one omer per person. It's the ultimate lesson in letting go of the illusion of control over parnassah (livelihood).

The story of the mann continues to resonate. At its core, it addresses our fundamental relationship with earning a living and trusting in divine providence.

Please G-d, Give us and the whole of the Jewish People sustenance. Please make it easy, not stressful. Let us earn with dignity, not shame. So we can actually focus on what matters - serving You and learning Torah without constantly stressing about bills."

This is the full text of Parshat HaMan, which is customary to say today:

שמות פרק טז: ד-לו:

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