Israel Katz threatens Hezbollah: Withdraw entirely behind the Litani - or it's WAR
The Defense Minister made it clear that the ceasefire rises and falls on Hezbollah keeping its end of the deal in full - and not the 60 day timeline.

Defense Minister Israel Katz said today (Sunday) during a visit to Northern Command that either Hezbollah withdraws entirely north of the Litani River per the ceasefire agreement - or there will be no agreement, without regard for the 60-day timeline per which the IDF is meant to withdraw from the country.
The Defense Minister visited Northern Command today, where he was given an update on IDF activity there and inside Lebanon, and where he praised the activity of the IDF in uncompromisingly enforcing the ceasefire agreement against any and all Hezbollah violations.
Following that "Israel is interested in maintaining the agreement in Lebanon and will continue to enforce it fully and uncompromisingly in order to ensure the safe return of the northern residents to their homes."
However, "the first condition for maintaining the agreement is the complete withdrawal of the Hezbollah terror organization beyond the Litani, (and) dismantling all weapons and destroying terror infrastructure in the area by the Lebanese Army - something which has not yet happened."
Katz warned that "if this condition is not adhered to - there will be no agreement - and Israel will have to act powerfully to ensure the safe return of the northern residents to their homes. We will not allow the creation of a renewed threat to the settlements of the north and the citizens of Israel."