Stabbing Attack

Stabbing Attack in Samaria: One Person Injured

Initial reports indicate that a terrorist arrived at the Rantis checkpoint near Beit Aryeh, stabbed and moderately wounded a reservist and escaped. The IDF forces are scanning the area.

(Photo: Yonatan Shaul/Flash90)

A stabbing attack at the Rantis checkpoint near Ramallah. Initial reports indicate that a terrorist stabbed and moderately wounded a reservist and escaped. The IDF forces are scanning the area.

MDA reported: "At 4:37 p.m., a report was received at MDA's 101 hotline in the Yarkon region, about an injured person at a gas station near the Rantis checkpoint. MDA medics and paramedics are providing medical treatment to a 49-year-old man, with a penetrating injury, who is fully conscious. An update will be provided later."

MDA paramedic Naama Feuchtwanger, and MDA emergency medicine medic Moshe Horwitz, said: "We saw the wounded man at the scene when he was fully conscious, with a penetrating injury to his body. We gave him initial medical treatment and evacuated him in an MDA intensive care vehicle to the hospital in moderate yet stable condition."


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IDF, North fires, Rockets, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Israel

IDF Spokesperson in Troubling Statement: "Interception Attempts Failed"

The IDF spokesman referred to the fires that broke out in the north, saying that it happened from interceptions that failed and failed to hit the hostile targets: "Interception attempts were made that did not succeed"

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Netanyahu, Hostage rescue, Gaza, Captivity

Netanyahu: 'Committed to Our Sacred Mission, to Bring Everyone Home'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the return of the bodies of the hostages who had been held by Hamas and expressed his condolences to the families. He also reiterated his commitment to the mission of bringing everyone home.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Noa Argamani, Fallen soldier, Hostage Rescue, Gaza

Noa Argamani Pays Tribute to Arnon Zamora: "You Will Always Be in My Heart"

Noa Argamani paid tribute to Arnon Zamora, who led the rescue operation that freed her from Hamas captivity in Gaza and was killed during the mission. "I promise you that I will remember and honor you and your act of heroism everywhere. You will always be in my heart."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Houthis, Yemen-Israel, War, Rockets

Senior Official Admits: Israel's Weakness Against the Houthis

Foreign Minister Israel Katz acknowledged that the distance to Yemen represents a significant weakness in Israel's fight against the Houthis and admitted: "We prefer that the U.S.-led coalition takes the lead in the war against the Houthis."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Report: Israel increasing pressure on Biden admin for weapons shipments

The systems in question are unrelated to the 2,000 pound bombs the White House has been holding up over civilian casualty concerns.

Avi Woolf | 25.07.24

Gaza Tunnels, IDF, Israel war, terrorism

Disturbing news: What the IDF Discovered About Hamas Tunnels

Recent IDF operations have revealed troubling data about Hamas's terror tunnels. "It's like a spider's web: if you cut one tunnel, alternative tunnels automatically appear, and the network can continue to exist," said Uri Isaac on N12, quoting a senior security official.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Politics, Polls

New Poll: Gantz camp shrinks to bare majority

A new poll conducted for Channel 13 shows Gantz's camp getting just 61 seats, while Netanyahu's camp gets 53.

Avi Woolf | 25.07.24

Iran, Olympics

Iran behind doxing and threatening of Israeli Olympic team

The National Cyber Directorate stated that the online intimidation campaign against the Israeli Olympic team was backed by Iran.

Avi Woolf | 25.07.24

IDF, Terror attack, terrorist search, West Bank

Hours After Shooting Attack: IDF Continues Search for terrorists responsible

Hours after a terror attack in Samaria in which 3 soldiers were injured, IDF forces continue to scan the area for the attackers. Since the beginning of the week, approximately 50 wanted individuals have been arrested throughout Judea and Samaria.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Hamas, Israel, Gaza Strip, leadership, terrorism

Hamas and Israel agreed: this is the man who will control Gaza after the war

According to the report in the Wall Street Journal, officials in the US, Israel and the Arab countries mark the former senior Fatah official, Muhammad Dahlan, as the man who will rule Gaza at the end of the war.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24


IDF strikes Hezbollah terror targets | Watch

The IDF struck military targets and terror infrastructure in the area of Ayta ash-Shab and Aitaroun in southern Lebanon.

Avi Woolf | 25.07.24

Houthis, terror threat, Israel war

Houthi threat: This is what our attack on Israel will look like

The leader of the Houthis organization, Abd al-Malik al-Houthi, declares they are preparing a significant response against Israel: "Joint operations with militias will bear witness to a significant development."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24