Israel-Gaza War

Watch: Air Force strikes Gaza targets

The Air Force struck multiple targets in the Gaza Strip over the past day, assisting IDF soldiers and striking terrorists and terror infrastructure.

Striking Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. (Screenshot from IDF footage.)

The Air Force struck multiple targets in the Gaza Strip as part of ongoing operations, including mortar teams firing at the IDF and terrorists and terrorist units hiding in buildings.


Striking Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. (Source: IDF Spokesperson)


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Israel-Gaza War, Palestinian State

Cabinet set to sanction PA and states which recently recognized Palestinian state

Informed sources say the cabinet is set to vote on a number of sanctions against the Palestinian Authority and states which recently decided to recognize a State of Palestine.

JFeed Staff | 18:36

Israel-Gaza War

Report: IDF inquiry reveals anti-tank missile killed soldiers in Rafah APV

According to the inquiry, the rocket, which targeted an APV of combat engineers, detonated mines and explosives, dooming the passengers.

Avi Woolf | 18:18

Israel-Gaza War, Hostages

Ynet: Senior Israeli source says Hamas response on truce "absolutely negative"

A source speaking to Ynet said that as far as Israel was concerned, either Hamas agrees to the Biden parameters as written, or there is no deal.

Avi Woolf | 17:49


IDF meets with local leaders from border regions

IDF Rear Command commander Maj.-Gen. Rafi Milo met with leaders of local communities in the border regions to discuss efforts to protect cooperate with them.

Avi Woolf | 17:24

Politics, Elections

Poll shows Gantz dropping, Liberman rising

A poll done for Maariv by Menachem Lazar shows Benny Gantz's party continuing its decline from its peak at the beginning of the war, with just 24 seats.

Avi Woolf | 16:32

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Gantz and Netanyahu's parties exchange barbs over who's "defeatist" in the war against Hamas

The former political allies in the war against Hamas are now engaging in bitter recrimination over the decisions made when they both served in the war cabinet.

Avi Woolf | 16:16

Protest Movements, Israel

New protest movement launched by Israel's northern citizens

After being under continuous attack with hundreds of rockets fired at them from Lebanon, northern Israeli citizens have had enough and demand security for the region and people.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 15:39

Israel-Gaza War

Chief of Staff Halevi: We're encouraging Haredi enlistment

Halevi spoke to soldiers of how "every battalion" formed from Haredi recruits helps relieve thousands of reservists from defensive duties.

Avi Woolf | 15:18

US-Israel ties, Navy

Israeli Navy confirms arrival of new landing craft

The Israeli Navy has just received its second of two landing crafts from the US. The ship docked at Haifa's naval base just hours ago.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 15:04

Israel-Gaza War, Northern Front

Watch: IDF strikes military structure in Yaroun area

The IDF also hit the Amra area with artillery to remove a terrorist threat.

Avi Woolf | 15:04

North Israel, Lebanon war

IDF shoots down possible aerial threat near Nahariya beach

Folllowing Hezbollah's increased use of drones, the IDF has remained vigilant, downing yet another suspicious target flying over the city of Nahariya in northern Israel.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 13:05

Haredi, IDF

Actress Maya Dagan criticizes Haredim amid national mourning

Maya Dagan's criticism of the Charedi draft exemption sparks debate amid national grief.

Gila Isaacson | 12:41