Nine years ago, Rami Nasrallah Natur from Qalansawe was involved in stealing a truck and staged it as a kidnapping.
Judge Dror Kleitman of the Petah Tikva Magistrate's Court convicted him of stealing a truck worth half a million shekels from his employer in Ariel, driving it to Tapuach Junction where it was transferred to the Palestinian Authority. He tied his own hands and called his employer from a nearby quarry to stage the theft.
He was caught by the police and eventually convicted in a plea deal where he admitted to his actions, expressed remorse and apologized. The judge was lenient in his sentence, given that he had no prior convictions, and despite his financial situation, he managed to raise the bail money and compensation for the employer.
In 2017, Judge Kleitman ruled: "From all the above, and without undermining the serious offenses committed by the defendant, this appears to be an act that is unusual for the defendant. This is a defendant who has maintained a proper lifestyle for decades, both in his family and work life. The offenses he committed warrant appropriate punishment. However, placing him behind bars at present could cause great harm both to him and his family– Harm that could eventually become a burden on society."
Today, he carried out the ramming attack when he crashed his truck into a bus near the IDF Glilot base. 35 people were injured, one of whom died later in the day.