I Mean...What Were They Doing Before?

Report: Lebanese Army looking for recruits to enforce ceasefire

The Lebanese Army reportedly has just 5,000 soldiers in southern Lebanon to enforce the ceasefire, out of a total of about 80,000.

Lebanese Army. Illustration. (Photo: e-crow/Shutterstock)

The Lebanese Army is looking to recruit more soldiers to be able to enforce the ceasefire in and demilitarization of southern Lebanon, according to Naharnet.

The army currently has just 5,000 out of about 80,000 soldiers stationed in the south and is now offering those interested in signing up a month to apply.

The Lebanese Army is supposed to be the key enforcer of the ceasefire deal between Israel and Hezbollah, ensuring that Hezbollah weapons and infrastructure are not smuggled or built in the area and that they are the sole armed force there.

However, western sources connected to the Lebanese Army already said that the army will not engage in conflict with Hezbollah over the deal, as that would bring back the civil war, according to them.

Defense Minister Israel Katz, meanwhile, said earlier today (Tuesday) that if Lebanon did not authorize the army to seriously enforce the terms of the deal and if Hezbollah violations of the deal continued, the Lebanese state itself would not be safe from the consequences.


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