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Gideon Saar to Antony Blinken: Israel sees an opportunity for a hostage deal

The Foreign Minister conducted his first meeting with the Secretary of State today.

Gideon Saar and Anthony Blinken. (Photo: Shalev Man)

Foreign Minister Gideon Saar met today (Thursday) with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, where he said that Israel considers there to be a good chance for a hostage deal with Hamas.

Egypt has been preparing a proposal for weeks aimed at ending the war and releasing the hostages in a way that would be acceptable to both sides. To that end, it has hosted a delegation of both Hamas and Fatah to hammer out the details of the deal on their end and to discuss "the day after" in terms of governance in the Gaza Strip.

The cabinet is set to meet tonight to discuss whether to send a delegation to Cairo to restart negotiations for a deal.


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