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IDF Chief of Staff: Army is fighting on four fronts - including Syria

In a speech given to soldiers of the Golani Brigade, IDF Chief of Staff noted that Syria was now an area involving IDF soldiers.

IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi. (Screenshot from IDF footage.)

IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi spoke today (Sunday) to members of the Golani Brigade, where he discussed the challenges and fronts on which Israel's ground forces are fighting - including in Syria.

During his statement, he said that as of tonight, the IDF's ground forces are fighting in Gaza, Lebanon, Judea and Samaria and now - also in the territory of Syria.

Halevi also praised the work between the branches of the army in fighting on all those fronts, and he told those about to be inducted into the army that they now had to pick up the relay baton and run with it.

The IDF has already taken the Syrian outpost on Mount Hermon and expanded to strengthen the border with Syria, including with a warning to residents of border villages to stay home until further notice.


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