With A Vengeance

They're coming back: 98th Division returning to Gaza Strip

Following months of operations against Hezbollah in the north and a subsequent ceasefire, the elite division is now preparing to move south to continue hurting Hamas.

98th Division in southern Lebanon. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

The IDF said today (Monday) that the elite 98th Division, after completing its operations and missions in the southern Lebanon area following months of fighting, will now be preparing to move back south against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

For the past few months, the IDF has focused its operations in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, especially Gaza City and its environs, as the central camps area is believed to contain live hostages, who may be killed if the IDF comes too close to them.

Before it went up north to fight Hezbollah, the 98th Division served as the spearhead in many attacks aimed at breaking up and destroying Hamas' military formations.

The movement of the 98th is likely a means to further pressure Hamas into a deal favorable to Israel, as negotiations remain ongoing.


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