The case that shocked Israel

Leaked docs case: IDF reservist begs Isaac Herzog for a pardon 

Military reservist petitions President Herzog for a pardon in controversial PMO leaked documents case that's united left and right critics.

Isaac Hezrog ( Photo by Arie Leib Abrams / FLASH90)

A veteran Military Intelligence officer, identified only as "A" due to security protocols, has been held in custody for two months while the primary suspect in the same classified document leak walks free - a situation drawing rare cross-spectrum criticism in Israel.

The case centers on leaked classified comments from the Prime Minister's Office. While main suspect Eli Feldstein was released (to house arrest) by Supreme Court Justice Alex Stein last week, the Orthodox non-commissioned officer faces detention until the end of proceedings - a period that could stretch years.

Case Details:

The reservist serve in Military Intelligence for a decade and his only goal was getting information to Prime Minister. The Lower court also noted that he had no intent to harm state security. Nonetheless, he is being held in what attorneys describe as "harsh conditions".

Unusual Political Unity

In a rare alignment, the detention has drawn criticism from unexpected quarters. Channel 13's Raviv Drucker, typically a fierce Netanyahu critic, called the situation "madness" and demanded A's immediate release: "What he did was wrong, and he's being prosecuted for it. But that doesn't explain Justice Stein's disgraceful ruling."

The Pardon Request

Defense attorneys have highlighted the following things to President Herzog: The officer's decade of intelligence service, his history of community volunteering, his remorse for actions and the disparity with civilian espionage cases receiving lighter treatment.

Herzog has reportedly met with the officer's family and recently spoke about ensuring fair treatment of suspects regardless of political considerations.


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