Pretty Cool Stuff, Gotta Say

WATCH: IDF reveals footage and maps from Yemen strike

The IDF revealed footage and maps showing its strike last night against Houthi-held Yemenite territory in retaliation for multiple drone and missile attacks on Israel.

Map of IDF military targets in Yemen. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

The IDF just released footage today (Thursday) showing the large scale air strike last night on military targets belonging to the Iran-based Houthi terrorist army last night.


IDF strike in Yemen. (Source: IDF Spokesperson)

The IDF conducted a deep strategic raid last night against all three of Yemen's ports under Houthi control, causing significant damage and aiming to deter the Houthis from launching more missiles and drones at the country.

With Hamas seriously weakened, Iraqi militias retreating to Iraq, and Hezbollah neutralized by a ceasefire, the Iran-backed Houthi forces in Yemen remain the last force standing which continues to attack Israel to assist Hamas in Gaza by firing long-range rockets and drones at its territory.


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