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Sheikh Ali Daamousch: Hezbollah (and Iran) devoted to rebuilding Lebanon

While still holding the Lebanese government responsible for funding and supporting the rebuilding of the country following the war, the senior Hezbollah leader said that Iran would be helping to fund the effort, too.

Sheikh Ali Daamousch. (Uncredited.)

Senior Hezbollah leader Sheikh Ali Daamousch declared today (Monday) that the organization will be launching a "promise and commitment" project aimed at rebuilding the destruction wrought by the IDF in southern Lebanon and throughout the country, according to Roi Kaid.

Daamousch reportedly conceded that this work is a "great challenge" but that it was necessary as an act of "resistance," as he claimed Israel wanted to turn southern Lebanon not only into a demilitarized area but also one devoid of people.

Daamousch added that the ultimate responsibility of restoring the country lay with the Lebanese government and that they were not exempt from it.

He also said that Hezbollah's budget for rebuilding Lebanon would come from the "dear Iranian people," in defiance of the United States which seeks to bar Iran from involvement in the country following the ceasefire. Daamousch also thanked religious leaders and others in Iraq and elsewhere who donated to help rebuild the war-torn country.


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