Baruch Dayan HaEmet

Uriel Peretz, Haredi soldier from Beitar Illit, fell in battle in Gaza

Uriel Peretz will be laid to rest tomorrow (Tuesday) at 13:00pm on Mount Herzl.

Uriel Peretz HY'D (Photo: IDF)

Sgt. Uriel Peretz, 23, from the IDF's Netzach Yehuda Battalion was killed in battle in the northern Gaza strip earlier today (Monday).

Peretz was struck by anti-tank fire during operational activities. He is the 825th IDF casualty since the war began.

He was a former student of Radin Yeshiva in Netanya who later joined the Netzach Yehuda battalion.

"He was beloved by everyone - it's an unfathomable shock," former classmates told Kikar HaShabbat. "We'll always remember him fondly."

The Beitar Illit Municipality Spokesperson's Office issued this statement:

"With great sorrow, we announce the fall of our city's resident Uriel Peretz HY'D (may God avenge his blood), who fell in the Gaza Strip while sacrificing his life for the people of Israel and the Land of Israel.

Professional teams from the municipality are supporting the family during this difficult time."

The mayor of Beitar Illit, Meir Rubinstein, said, "Our hearts are with the family in their difficult hour. The entire city mourns and sends its condolences. We pray that no more destruction and sorrow will be heard within our borders, and that we may merit to see 'the salvation of Israel' soon."

The Shas party stated: "We are devastated by the fall of IDF hero Corporal Uriel Peretz HY"D, our city resident. A brave warrior who defended our country with courage and dedication.

Our condolences to his distinguished family and to his father, Rabbi Chananya Peretz, may you know no more sorrow. Our hearts are with you in this difficult time."

Uriel's father, Rabbi Hananya Peretz, is a religious judge in Beitar and senior official in Jerusalem Rabbinate's Marriage Department, as reported by journalist Mendi Rizel. He said: "This terrible tragedy struck us like lightning on a clear day. We don't understand Heaven's calculations, and accept this decree with love. My son was God-fearing, with extraordinary humility towards all. His friends told me he never hurt anyone, always greeted everyone with a broad smile and pleasant countenance. He never got angry, and was beloved by all."

Three IDF soldiers from the Netzach Yehuda Battalion were seriously injured in the same incident that claimed the life of Sergeant Peretz in northern Gaza, military correspondent Daphna Liel reports.

The wounded soldiers, all members of the Kfir Brigade, have been evacuated to hospital for treatment. Their families have been informed of their condition.


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