Quite The New Year's Present!

AMAZING! Arkia offers 25% off all its flights abroad for New Years

The Israeli airline has decided to start the civilian new year with a discount for anyone flying from Israel to Europe, if they order the flight in the next 25 hours.

Arkia plane. (Photo: Arkia)

The Israeli airline company Arkia said today (Tuesday) that it is offering 25% all flights during New Year's, to all destinations that the airline services, which are mostly within Europe.

According to the company, anyone who orders an Arkia flight between 3 PM Israel time today and 4 PM Israel time tomorrow - including for Passover and summer flights - will get 25% off that flight if they order via their website.

Einat Junger, Deputy CEO of Marketing for Arkia said that "the Israeli public has gone through a difficult year and looks for every opportunity to take a breather and recharge their batteries," which this discount is meant to help.

This gesture comes as a great relief to Israelis who have had to deal with ever higher flight prices and cancelled flights over a year of war, with many airlines staying away from servicing the country for months or over a year and some reentering Israel only to leave whenever missiles start to be fired again.

The Israeli government has looked at a number of possible ways to alleviate this bottleneck, including insurance and fee relief and price caps, the latter of which were recently announced by Transportation Minister Miri Regev.


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