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Baruch Dayan HaEmet

Yoav Feffer, IDF Staff Sgt, fell in Gaza today

Herzliya mourns fallen IDF soldier Yoav Feffer who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country.

Gila Isaacson
Gila Isaacson
2 min read
Yoav HYD
Photo: IDF

Yoav Pepper (19) from Herzliya fell in Gaza in battle today (Monday).

Herzliya's Mayor Yariv Fisher memorialized him: "With a torn heart and deep sorrow, the city of Herzliya bows its head today over the fall of Yoav Feffer z"l, a brave soldier and beloved son of Guy and Idit, brother to Uri, Lilu and Rom.

The Feffer family, my neighbors, raised their children with values of love for the country, giving, and loyalty to the people and state.

Yoav wasn't just a neighbor. He was an inseparable part of our community - a principled young man, modest and full of dreams, who sacrificed everything to protect us.

It's hard to process this loss. Our city and community have lost a true hero.

On behalf of all Herzliya residents and myself, I send my deepest condolences to the dear Feffer family.

We embrace you, stand by your side, and will never forget Yoav.

May Yoav's memory be blessed."

The funeral will take place tomorrow at 3:00 PM in the old Herzliya cemetery, in the military section.

Military officials also announced the death death of Lt. Yair Shoshan from Ma'alot-Tarshiha in Gaza.

Lt. Shoshan, who had recently completed officer training with honors, was recognized last summer by both the Prime Minister and IDF Chief of Staff for exceptional service. The Ma'alot-Tarshiha Municipality praised him as a dedicated soldier who "fought bravely" in recent operations.

"Lt. Shoshan grew up in our community and exemplified the highest values of service," the municipality said in a statement. "His heroism will be remembered."

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