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She's utterly despicable

UN’s Albanese under fire: "A 21st-century Joseph Goebbels," expert claims

Anne Bayefsky speaks out on Arutz Sheva, defending US legislation targeting the ICC and criticizing UN officials.

Francesca Albanese
Photo: Lev Radin/ Shutterstock

Professor Anne Bayefsky, Director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust and President of Human Rights Voices, has criticized UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese, drawing a controversial comparison to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

Speaking to Arutz Sheva - Israel National News, Bayefsky addressed the UN’s opposition to a recent U.S. House of Representatives bill imposing sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) for issuing arrest warrants against Israeli leaders.

UN officials, including Albanese, condemned the bill, stating:“It is shocking to see a country that considers itself a champion of the rule of law trying to stymie the actions of an independent and impartial tribunal set up by the international community to thwart accountability. Threats against the ICC promote a culture of impunity… such actions erode public trust in the impartiality and integrity of justice and set a dangerous precedent, politicizing judicial functions and weakening the global commitment to accountability and fairness.”

In response, Professor Bayefsky rebuked Albanese and the UN’s claims, declaring:“Francesca Albanese is known worldwide to the victims of antisemitism as a leading propagandist, to the 21st century what the Nazi’s Joseph Goebbels was to the 20th century. From her UN perch, she has now launched a vicious campaign against a fresh target: the newly-installed American Congress.”

Bayefsky highlighted the U.S. House of Representatives’ recent decision to sanction those involved in the ICC’s “efforts to demonize and destroy the Jewish state under the banner of so-called ‘law.’” She criticized the ICC’s approach, stating:“In the ICC’s appropriation and inversion of legal standards, Jews are criminals for defending their own basic rights—starting with the right to life. The Jewish people have no right to self-determination, and no UN Charter right of self-defense.”

Professor Bayefsky further condemned the ICC as a "legal fraud," accusing it of conducting what she described as a “global pogrom.” She added:“An international criminal court that can't tell the difference between Palestinian terror and Jewish self-defense… isn’t a neutral legitimate court at all. It directly attacks and threatens the common interests and fundamental values of Israelis and Americans.”

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