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Data Speaks the truth: Dismantling the Myth of Israeli 'Genocide' in Gaza

Exposed: New Evidence Shatters Hamas' 'Genocide' Claims Against Israel 

Recent data is beginning to undermine the "genocide" narrative that Hamas has been aggressively spreading worldwide. But recent discoveries have uncovered the truth of the matter. 

Eliana Fleming
Eliana Fleming
2 min read
Some of the "innocent civilians" the IDF eliminated

Since the onset of the war, Hamas has consistently claimed that Israel is carrying out indiscriminate bombings against the Gaza Strip’s residents, labeling it as a form of genocide. While this narrative was quickly debunked by many, it was difficult to counter effectively due to a lack of hard evidence. However, in the days following the ceasefire, new information is starting to emerge that casts significant doubt on Hamas's claims of Israel murdering "innocent civilians."

As Gazan families begin to recover the bodies of their loved ones from the rubble—many of which had been buried for months—new trends are becoming apparent. The information emerging from the field, along with images posted by Gazans themselves on social media, paints a revealing picture: among the deceased, there is a disproportionately high number of men of fighting age. This suggests that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) did not engage in indiscriminate bombings as Hamas has suggested, but rather operated with precision and caution against terrorists and Hamas fighters.

A security source confirmed this emerging trend, saying, “We want to be cautious because the IDF and Shin Bet are still processing the data flowing from the field, but the emerging trend is clear, and it contradicts Hamas's genocide narrative.” The source further pointed out that, had Hamas gathered more images of women and children killed, it likely would have flooded social media with them to bolster its claims.

This shift in narrative, based on the evidence coming from the Gaza Strip, may prove critical in Israel’s efforts to present the true nature of its military operations to the world. As the security system continues to process this data, there is hope that Israel will be able to leverage this information in its public relations efforts, showing that the IDF’s actions in Gaza were more measured and calculated than many initially believed.

Thanks to Channel 14's correspondent Ahikam Himmelfarb for his help in collecting the valuable data used in this article.

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