American Congresswoman Traveled at the Expense of Qatar

The Congresswoman came out against foreign money; and was invited to the World Cup at the expense of Qatar

In the US it was revealed that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who frequently opposes foreign money in American politics and accuses Israel of "hypnotizing the world with dollars", was invited to visit Qatar at the expense of the Qatari government

(Photo: Phil Pasquini/Shutterstock)

The anti-Israel Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who consistently speaks out against foreign money's influence on American politics, was invited to the World Cup at the expense of the state of Qatar.

An economic report revealed as part of the annual economic report of Congress members unveiled that the anti-Israel Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who consistently speaks out against foreign money's influence on American politics and even accused Israel of "buying off the world with dollars," was directly invited by the Qatari government to attend and be hosted at the last World Cup held in the country.

When asked about the source of funding for her trip by the media upon her return to the US, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar refused to provide answers. However, an annual economic report that all Congress members are obligated to disclose revealed that indeed Qatar is the funder of her four-day trip. Initially, Omar claimed that the Qatari government only covered the travel expenses, but when questioned, the Qatari embassy in Washington presented a document stating that the funding for the Congresswoman's trip also included accommodation and meals for the four days.

Omar faced significant criticism in the United States over the trip, especially since in the years since she was elected to Congress, she has consistently spoken out against lobbying groups and special interest organizations, particularly targeting the pro-Israel advocacy group "AIPAC," which promotes pro-Israel policies in Congress and the Senate. Omar accused AIPAC of "using foreign money to manipulate the will of the voters."


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