Thousands at Joseph's Tomb

Despite the bomb explosion: thousands flocked to Joseph's tomb

Thousands gathered at the Tomb of Joseph compound after the explosion. Head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, demanded the full control of the compound be restored. European Parliament member Cristian Terheș stated, "The world needs to see what's happening here"

(Photo: Samaria Regional Council)

After the explosion last night (Wednesday) at the Tomb of Joseph compound, where an officer and three soldiers were injured, thousands gathered at the site. Yossi Dagan: "We must not fear terrorism, restore full control of Joseph's Tomb."

Despite the serious incident last night in which the soldiers were injured, thousands of people ascended to the Tomb compound and prayed. Among those who entered were also Knesset Member Zvi Sukkot, European Parliament member Cristian Terheș, Hasidic leaders, and the head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan. "The entry continues and is carried out as a routine despite attempts by militants to prevent it, and an explosion that injured four IDF soldiers," say sources in the Samaria Regional Council.

Head of the Samaria Council: "Restore full control over Joseph's Tomb"

Yossi Dagan, the head of the Samaria Regional Council, addressed the bombing shortly before entering the Tomb: "We will never stop demanding that the Israeli government rectify this injustice and restore full control over this holy site. The charge that was detonated today against our dear IDF soldiers and the repeated attempts to harm the praying worshipers who come here to pray in this sacred place, along with the barbaric calls to harm the Tomb of Joseph again and again, demonstrate the obvious."

Furthermore, Dagan added: "Only we are capable of safeguarding this holy place. Only the IDF, only the State of Israel can protect the Tomb of Joseph. All of us, the entire people of Israel, send our strong embrace and prayers for the well-being of our dear and beloved IDF soldiers." Dagan added, "We must never fear terrorism. We must restore full control over the Tomb of Joseph."

(Photo: Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

Member of the European Parliament: "The world needs to see what is happening in Nablus"

Member of the European Parliament, Cristian Terheș, who also visited the site, expressed shock at the attempts to harm Jews seeking to pray: "The things I witnessed today are unbelievable."

According to him, "It is unimaginable for someone who has never been to Israel and certainly has never experienced a terror event like the one we were exposed to today. It's unbelievable that these people who want to come quietly and pray need to use bulletproof buses, be escorted by the military, and come to pray in fear of a terror attack. This is unacceptable; the whole world needs to see what is actually happening here."

He also arrived at the compound after the attack. Zvi Sukkot (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash 90)

Member of Knesset Zvi Sukkot, who was also present at the scene, addressed the attack: "Terror must be defeated, and this entry had to take place especially after this event. I want to thank the Samaria Regional Council and the management of Joseph's Tomb for organizing these entries."


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