Normalization with Saudi Arabia

Report in the United States: Netanyahu is ready to allow the Saudi nuclear program

Several American reports claim that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has instructed his officials to work with the Americans on finding a formula that would enable a Saudi nuclear program as part of normalization

(Photos: Flash 90, Shutterstock)

According to the report from the American Wall Street Journal, Prime Minister Netanyahu is actively considering accommodating the Saudi demand for a civilian nuclear program as part of normalization efforts between the two countries.

According to the report following the meeting between the Prime Minister and President Joe Biden of the United States, during which they extensively discussed the potential for normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Prime Minister Netanyahu instructed his advisors and Israeli officials to collaborate with the Americans on finding a formula that would enable a Saudi civilian nuclear program.

The nuclear program is part of Saudi Arabia's requirements to the Americans, in addition to the defense treaty and Israeli gestures to the Palestinians, according to reports. The nuclear program, as reported, will operate in a civilian format but will allow uranium enrichment on Saudi soil under American supervision and management, similar to the demand for a defense treaty. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia views a civilian nuclear program as essential for Saudi Arabia's future.

The reports also come in the context of a wide-ranging interview that Mohammed bin Salman granted to the American media yesterday, after over 4 years during which he did not grant interviews. During the interview, the Saudi Crown Prince explained that Israel and Saudi Arabia are getting closer every day to normalization and full relations. When asked about the nuclear program, he clarified that it is intended for civilian purposes only, and they will only seek to acquire a nuclear bomb if Iran does so.


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