Israel - Gaza War, Meds Deal 

Hamas Reveals: This is the Price for Medications for Captives

Senior Hamas figure Mousa Abu Marzook reveals that for every package of medications transferred to captives, a thousand packages will be provided for the residents of the Gaza Strip. Additionally, the trucks carrying the meds will not undergo security checks, and the aid will be increased.

Israeli doctors hold photographs of the kidnapped people held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, as they protest outside the Red Cross headquarters in Tel Aviv, November 9, 2023. (Photo: Avshalom Sassoni, Flash90)

The spokesperson for the political bureau of the Hamas terrorist organization, Mousa Abu Marzook, revealed this morning (Wednesday) the terms of the medication deal. According to the terms, in exchange for every package of medications delivered to captives, a thousand packages of medications will be provided to the residents of the Gaza Strip. Additionally, the trucks carrying the medications will not undergo security checks.

Marzook stated that the Red Cross submitted a request to supply 140 types of medications to captives, and Hamas agreed to the request with certain conditions. For every package delivered to captives, a thousand packages will be provided to Gaza residents. The medications will be delivered through a country trusted by Hamas, and there will be an increase in humanitarian aid and the entry of food into the Gaza Strip. Security checks for medication shipments will also be prevented.

Initially, France requested to carry out the shipment, but after Hamas refused, Qatar executed the delivery. This morning, a Qatari military plane landed at the airport in northern Sinai, carrying tons of medications. Yesterday, the Prime Minister's Office approved the deal, and in the announcement, it was mentioned that two Qatari Air Force planes are expected to land in Egypt, carrying medications purchased in France according to a list formulated in Israel, per the medical needs of the captives.

Illustration, archive. A Palestinian citizens are receiving medication remedy from the Government Pharmacy in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on 28 February, 2009. a Within the humanitarian aid to Gaza residents from donor countries. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib, Flash90)


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Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF blows up tunnel over a kilometer long

In the course of raids into the northern Gaza Strip, the IDF located and destroyed a terror tunnel in the Beit Lahia area.

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Israel-Gaza War

Palestinian Islamic Jihad fires rockets at Ashkelon

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Kamala Harris, Hostage Deal

Harris reveals phase two of hostage deal: Israel's full Gaza withdrawal 

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| Avi Nachmani | 26.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Fallen Soldier

Cleared for publication: Corporal (Res.) Moti Rave killed in southern Gaza

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IDF, North fires, Rockets, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Israel

IDF Spokesperson in Troubling Statement: "Interception Attempts Failed"

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Netanyahu, Hostage rescue, Gaza, Captivity

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Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Noa Argamani, Fallen soldier, Hostage Rescue, Gaza

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| Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Houthis, Yemen-Israel, War, Rockets

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Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Gaza Tunnels, IDF, Israel war, terrorism

Disturbing news: What the IDF Discovered About Hamas Tunnels

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Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Netanyahu, Biden, Israel

Netanyahu and Biden Meet: "Thank You for 50 Years of Support for Israel"

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IDF, Terror attack, terrorist search, West Bank

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United States, Israel-Gaza War, Antisemitism

"Unpatriotic," "Dangerous": VP Kamala Harris slams anti-Israel protestors

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Avi Woolf | 25.07.24