Opinion: Israel's Attorney General has lost the plot
As rockets rain down on our cities and our soldiers battle in the trenches of Gaza, a disturbing scene unfolds on home soil: masked military police storming a base to arrest our own defenders. This isn't just a misstep; it's a betrayal of our priorities and a dangerous distraction from the existential fight at hand.

In a display of bureaucratic idiocy that defies belief, our military police have chosen this moment - as rockets fall and our soldiers bleed in Gaza - to stage a raid on our own base. Their target? The very defenders keeping us alive. This isn't misguided justice; it's a suicidal farce.
Let's dispense with niceties: yes, the rule of law matters. But when your house is on fire, you don't stop to rearrange the furniture– You fight the fire.
Our enemies, their hands still dripping with the blood of our civilians, must be laughing. We've handed them a propaganda coup on a silver platter. "Look," they'll crow, "at the Zionists turning on their own!" In one fell swoop, we've undermined our soldiers' morale and our national resolve.
This witch hunt at Sde Teiman isn't just ill-timed; it's a betrayal. Every second wasted on this internal strife is a second gifted to Hamas. It's a second not spent rescuing hostages, not spent protecting our citizens, not spent crushing those who would see us erased from the map.
To those wringing their hands about "due process": wake up. Our soldiers aren't street thugs to be cuffed and paraded. They're the thin line between us and oblivion. They deserve our unwavering support, not this backstabbing masquerading as moral high ground.
We face an enemy that revels in barbarity, that uses hospitals as military bases and children as human shields. And our response? To hamstring our own forces with an absurd moral purity test. It's not righteousness; it's self-sabotage.
To our leaders, both political and military: grow a spine. Your job isn't to please foreign press or appease hand-wringing NGOs. It's to ensure our survival. Period. Save your soul-searching and investigations for when we're not fighting for our very existence.
This isn't about abandoning ethics; it's about having the sense to prioritize. When the war is won, when our people are safe, then by all means, investigate to your heart's content. But now? Now we fight. With everything we have.
The real criminals aren't wearing IDF uniforms. They're in Gaza, celebrating every Israeli death. Let's not lose sight of that brutal reality in our rush to prove how 'ethical' we are.
To those leading this foolish crusade against our own: stand down. Your misguided actions aren't just a distraction; they're a danger to every Israeli. In this moment of existential peril, anything less than total support for our troops is nothing short of treachery.
The time for investigations will come. But today, we have one mission: survive and triumph. Anything else is not just misguided - it's a betrayal of every Israeli counting on us to keep them safe.