Beit Hagai

"This Is Our Agreement"
"This is our agreement":  Orit Strook refers to a possible peace with Saudi Arabia

Orit Strook spoke at the commemoration of the Batsheva Nigri and alluded in her words to the red lines with Netanyahu: "I don't know if he will come back with an agreement with Saudi Arabia, but I know that we have an agreement with God on this land."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Bereaved Kindergarten Children

Sivan Rahav-Meir: From today there are also bereaved kindergarten children

They called her "Bat Sheva" because her parents waited seven years until she was born. She herself also waited years for her own children, and then she brought into her and her husband Eli's home two foster daughters

Sivan Rahav-Meir | 22.08.23

Improvement in Gottlieb's Condition

There has been an improvement in the condition of the injured individual from the attack in southern Har Hevron

There has been an improvement in the condition of Aryeh Gottlieb, the gunshot victim from the attack near Har Hevron. He is breathing on his own, fully conscious, and further surgeries are expected for him

Sarit Shefek | 22.08.23