Operation Iron Swords

"We Will Shake the Country"
The families of the kidnapped and missing: "If necessary, we will shake the country"

The families of the kidnapped and missing individuals met with the President of the State, Isaac Herzog, and with the Commissioner for the Captives and the Missing, Gal Hirsch: "If necessary, we will shake the country"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 10.10.23

"Against the Values ​​of Islam"

Mansour Abbas in an appeal to the terrorist organizations: "against the values ​​of Islam"

Mansour Abbas calls on terrorist organizations to return the elderly, children, and women they have abducted: "Islamic values command us not to imprison women, children, and the elderly"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23

The Abducted and Missing Persons

First announcement of the person in charge of the abducted and missing persons

Brigadier General Gil Hirsch, who is in charge of the issue of prisoners and missing persons, published a statement this evening in which he promised to bring everyone back home: "We have a large number of wounded, missing, and abducted individuals held by the enemy"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23

Ben-Gvir's Response

Ben-Gvir in his first response to the war in the south

Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir commented on the tough war in the south: "Now is not the time for questions, investigations, and inquiries. There will be time for all of that later; right now, it's a time for war and victory"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 08.10.23

The IDF Attacked Buildings in Gaza

Iron swords: The IDF attacked high-rise buildings in Gaza

The IDF targeted two multi-story buildings where Hamas operated. These buildings were located in the heart of the civilian population. In total, four high-value targets of the terrorist organization were attacked

JFeed | 07.10.23

A Situation Report

The IDF spokesman confirms: Hamas kidnapped civilians to Gaza

The IDF spokesperson provided a situation report for the fighting in the south, confirming casualties and captives. The objective is to regain control of the area, eliminate militants, and secure communities. The IDF is prepared for any scenario in the north as well

JFeed | 07.10.23