Southern Residents

Return of the Residents
The Security System is Preparing for the Return of the Residents of the Gaza Strip Envelope in January

At a meeting held today in the security establishment with the participation of Minister Gallant, a situation assessment was held that focused on the return of the residents of the Gaza Strip envelope - 4-7 km from Gaza starting this January.

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 28.11.23


Brig.-Gen. Goldfus: "We are now in the broad offensive stage"

98 Division commander Brig.-Gen. Dan Goldfus said "We were hit by this terror in the gut, we took control of the front line, we are now in the broad offensive stage. This does not absolve us of the responsibility and hard questions we'll ask ourselves."

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 10.10.23


Herzog Visits the Wounded: Our Nation Will Fight to Victory

Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog visited Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva: "No-one can defeat us. I know it's hard, when you meet the medical staff, the families see what a nation is."

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23


Bnei Brak Hosts Southern Residents

An aid and hosting center was established in the city of Bnei Brak in a collaboration between Ichud Hatzalah and wedding halls propietor Rabbi Menachem Carmel. The center offers food, lodging, games, and activities for kids for a limited time or extended stay.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23