Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Charedim

Disturbances in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh Over Decision to Autopsy Child Found With Bruises | Watch

Hundreds of extremist Charedim gathered to block major streets in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh in protest against an attempt to autopsy a decades 13 year old found to have physical injuries on his body.

(Screenshot of Israel Police Spokesperson video.)

Hundreds of extremist Charedim gathered to block major streets in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh and even try and break into the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in protest against a decision to autopsy a thirteen year old boy who was found to have physical injuries, according to Ynet.

The Israel Police stated that "some of the protestors started fires, smashed bus windshields, threw eggs and bottles and attacked police officers."

The Police further stated that five suspects had been arrested for attacking police officers and throwing stones, eggs, and bottles, with one of the suspects arrested for trying to take a gun away from a police officer.

The Police statement ended by saying that they would allow anyone to protest within the boundaries of the law, but would act with determination against any violent disturbances.

According to Army Radio, the Toldot Avraham Yitzhak Rebbe gave the unusual order to protest the autopsy, and the Chassidut told Army Radio that "If this was a criminal death, we would have given the information to the police."

(Source: Israel Police Spokesperson)


Do not send comments that include inflammatory words, defamation, and content that exceeds the limit of good taste.

What makes them "extremists"? Why can't they just be protestors? Seems like every time you write the word "chareidi" you feel a need to put "extremist" before it.
Sam 06.02.24

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