Another Murder in the Arab Sector

Another death from violence in the Arab sector: "Brought by his father to the station"

The violence is rampant: a young resident of Lakiya was stabbed and brought by his father to the Ayarot police station. The police took the injured man to the hospital, but there the doctors had to pronounce him dead

Illustration (photo: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

The cases of violence in the Arab sector continue and after the shocking murder of four people in Abu Snan, during the night, another person was murdered, after being stabbed in a violent incident.

The victim, a young resident of Lakiya, was brought by his father with a stab wound in his body, to the Ayarot police station. The injured was taken to the Soroka Medical Center in critical condition where he was pronounced dead.

The Israel Police stated: "Immediately upon receiving the report, police forces began an investigation while collecting evidence, and located the crime scene in Lakiya. The background and circumstances are being examined."

The Avraham Initiatives Association, which deals with violence in the Arab sector, reported that the murdered person was not an Israeli citizen.


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Hostages, captivity, murdered, Hamas, Gaza

Breaking: IDF Retrieves Bodies of 5 Captives

Approved for Release: In a daring rescue operation, the Israel Defence Forces successfully recovered the bodies of five captives held in Gaza on Wednesday. BDE

| Eliana Fleming | 24.07.24

Terrorism, West Bank, Israel, Ramallah, explosives

Two Ramallah residents arrested with 4 explosive devices

In a joint operational activity involving the Israeli police, IDF, and Shin Bet, two residents of Ramallah were arrested last night for attempting several attacks in the Benjamin region over the past month.

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State Comtroller, October 7 Massacre

Shocking errors uncovered in identifying October 7 victims: What went wrong?

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Crime, Child murder, Herzliya

Mother who murdered her 6 year-old son "Aliens made me murder him"

Siegel Jana Itzkovitz, who is suspected of murdering her son Liam, told her investigation that extra-terrestrials and aliens told her that the CIA implanted a chip in her and they made her murder her six-year-old son.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 22.07.24

Shin Bet, Kidnapping, Terror

Kidnapping attempt thwarted by Israeli forces; Hostage pit discovered (Pics and video included!)

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Police, Fraud, Forgery

IDF reserve officer arrested for allegedly forging military ID Cards for Palestinians 

Authorities apprehended a 45-year-old IDF lieutenant colonel in the reserves for reportedly printing fake military employee identity cards, facilitating the illegal residence of six Palestinian family members from Tulkarm in Israel

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Crime, Jerusalem

Criminal who terrorized Jerusalem Ultra-Orthodox neighbourhood indicted

In the heart of Jerusalem's Shmuel HaNavi neighbourhood, a young man has been arrested and charged for threatening passers-by's, stealing a bicycle, and attempting to stab a police officer with a knife, ultimately leading to him being shot and subdued.

Eliana Fleming | 21.07.24

Crime, Child Murder, Herzliya

Horrific: Mother who murdered her 6 Year-old son was 'aware of her actions' reports find 

The mother has confessed to hacking her son to death with an axe, leading police to believe the murder in Herzliya was planned and that she was aware of her actions. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 19.07.24

IDF, Illegal residents, West Bank, Israel

During a war: 4 illegal Arabs from Jenin arrested in Baqa al-Gharbiyye

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Israel Police, Terrorism

Israel Police raids villages in Judea and Samaria, seizing arms and arresting suspects

The Israel Police, together with the border guard, raided a number of villages in Judea and Samaria and seized weapons and ammunition.

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Crime, murder

Man found dead in central Israel in suspected murder

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Eliana Fleming | 17.07.24

Crime, child murder, Herzliya

This is the mother who murdered her child in Herzliya yesterday

The name of the mother who is suspected of her 6 year-old son's murder in their apartment in a horrific violent incident was allowed to be published.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 17.07.24