A Change in the Composition of the Judges

Because of the postponement of the date: a change in the composition of the judges who will hear the petition against Yariv Levin

After the Supreme Court received the position of Justice Minister Yariv Levin, a date was set for the hearing against him regarding the Judicial Appointments Committee. The new composition of the committee is considered to be more "conservative"

Minister Levin (Photo: Haim Goldberg/Flash 90)

The discussion in the Supreme Court regarding the appeals in the matter of the non-convening of the Judicial Appointments Committee has been postponed to October 22nd. Since this will take place after the retirement of Justice Anat Baron, the replacement judge in the composition will be Justice Alex Stein.

The composition will now consist of three justices: Yael Vilner, Ofer Groskopf, and Alex Stein, which is considered a more conservative composition and may be more "convenient" for the Minister of Justice, Yariv Levin.

High Court of Justice judges in a discussion on the Clause of Reasonability (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash 90)

The discussion was supposed to take place yesterday (Tuesday) but was postponed after the Supreme Court justices stated that they accept the position of the Minister of Justice, Yariv Levin, and deferred the planned discussion of the appeals that seek to compel the Minister of Justice to convene the committee for the selection of judges.

The judges accepted the position of Minister Yariv Levin that he has the right to respond to the court's decision to issue a conditional order, and for this purpose, the judges postponed the discussion that was scheduled for this week.

"Basic right to voice"

The postponement of the hearing date came after the Supreme Court issued a "conditional order" against Minister of Justice Yariv Levin, demanding that he convene the committee for the selection of judges.

Immediately thereafter, Minister Levin responded to the Supreme Court and argued that they do not have the legal authority to issue such an order. He demanded to be given more time to respond, while surprisingly, the government's legal advisor, Gali Baharav-Miara, sided with Levin's position.

"With all due respect, the court is not authorized to determine for the respondents, especially when it comes to the Minister of Justice and the Government of Israel, what should be included in the respondents' response. This matter is also subject to the exclusive discretion of the respondents. The court's determination of what the respondents' statement should include deprives the respondents of their basic right to express their views in a way that prevents the possibility of justice."


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Crime, Jerusalem

Criminal who terrorized Jerusalem Ultra-Orthodox neighbourhood indicted

In the heart of Jerusalem's Shmuel HaNavi neighbourhood, a young man has been arrested and charged for threatening passers-by's, stealing a bicycle, and attempting to stab a police officer with a knife, ultimately leading to him being shot and subdued.

Eliana Fleming | 21.07.24

Crime, Child Murder, Herzliya

Horrific: Mother who murdered her 6 Year-old son was 'aware of her actions' reports find 

The mother has confessed to hacking her son to death with an axe, leading police to believe the murder in Herzliya was planned and that she was aware of her actions. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 19.07.24

Israel Police, Terrorism

Israel Police raids villages in Judea and Samaria, seizing arms and arresting suspects

The Israel Police, together with the border guard, raided a number of villages in Judea and Samaria and seized weapons and ammunition.

Avi Woolf | 17.07.24

Crime, murder

Man found dead in central Israel in suspected murder

Suspected murder: a man's body was found in a house in the Arab town of Qalansawe, central Israel.

Eliana Fleming | 17.07.24

Crime, child murder, Herzliya

This is the mother who murdered her child in Herzliya yesterday

The name of the mother who is suspected of her 6 year-old son's murder in their apartment in a horrific violent incident was allowed to be published.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 17.07.24

Crime, child murder, violence, Israel

6 Year-old boy found dead in Herzliya in suspected child murder

Tragedy: A mother was arrested on suspicion of killing her 6-year-old son after police found his body in the Herzliya apartment.

Eliana Fleming | 16.07.24

Crime, Tel Aviv shooting

Man seriously injured from shooting in Tel Aviv 

Rescue forces called to the scene of the shooting evacuated a young man, approximately 20 years old, to Wolfson Hospital during resuscitation efforts, as he was in critical condition. Police have launched an investigation and arrived at the scene to collect evidence. The background is criminal.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 15.07.24

Head of Council, sexual offences, crime

A former head of the council was arrested on suspicion of committing sexual offenses

A former council head was arrested on suspicion of harming women. The National Fraud Investigation Unit (Lahav 433) has launched an investigation against a former council head on suspicion of committing sexual offenses and harming a council employee.

Eliana Fleming | 14.07.24

Child abuse, crime, Kindergarten

Kindergarten workers charged with child abuse in Holon

Today (Wednesday), the District Court in Tel Aviv convicted Malka Malol, Eliza Cohen Tzemach, and Nur Shiloh of committing crimes of assault against minors or helpless individuals, causing actual bodily harm, among others.

Eliana Fleming | 10.07.24

Domestic Violence, Abuse, Prosecutor, Violence

Israel Prosecutor: No murder charge for man who injected his wife with cleaning materials, paralyzing her

Charges filed against Eliyahu Perez for severe abuse, leaving wife permanently paralyzed.

Gila Isaacson | 10.07.24

Crime, Shooting, MDA

Suspected Fatal Shooting in Haifa: Man killed, another injured in criminal incident

Police launch investigation into fatal incident.

Gila Isaacson | 09.07.24

Drunk driving, Jail, Israel Police

Justice Served: Man receives 17.5-year sentence for mowing down volunteer police officer at sobriety checkpoint

The Lod District Court has sentenced Rani Al-Kimlat to 17.5 years in prison for the death of volunteer police officer Amichai Carmely.

Gila Isaacson | 09.07.24