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It's Madness That It Took This Long

Justice: Knesset prepares law to recognize male on male rape as rape

Israeli law previously only recognized male on female rape as full rape, with male on male rape being a lesser criminal charge.

Avi Woolf
Avi Woolf
3 min read
Male suffering.
Photo: New Africa/Shutterstock

Today (Tuesday), the Knesset's Constitution, Law and Justice Committee approved the bill to amend the Penal Code, led by MK Limor Son Har-Melech (Jewish Power), in preparation for the first of three votes needed to make it law.

The amendment addresses a deep injustice that has persisted for too many years. The current definition of rape, which limits the term to sexual assaults against women only, reflects social and legal gaps that prevent recognition of male rape. According to the supporters of the law, it creates psychological and social barriers for victims, who feel they must fight not only for justice but also for the very recognition of their victimization.

The law, which was passed unanimously with votes from both the coalition and opposition, is expected to soon come up for first reading in the Knesset plenum. It corrects this injustice by expanding the definition of rape to include sexual assaults against men, thereby sending a clear social and legal message – every person is entitled to full protection of their body and dignity.

Additionally, the law includes another significant change – replacing the term "prohibited intercourse with consent" with "prohibited penetration." This change reflects an updated legal perspective that's appropriate for the times and the need to provide recourse for all victims of sexual offenses.

Many victims participated in the discussion, speaking about the necessity of the law, along with organizations working in the field including the Association of Rape Crisis Centers, Magen Support Center, the Lobby Against Sexual Violence, Forum Takana, and others.

MK Limor Sivan Har-Melech, who initiated the amendment, said that "this discussion addresses a deep injustice that has persisted for too many years. The current definition of rape, which limits the term to sexual assaults against women only, reflects and perpetuates social and legal gaps. It prevents recognition of male victims' pain and places psychological and social barriers before them.

"The victims who dared to share their pain with us are the ones who gave us the strength to bring this amendment. They emphasized to us that the state must call things by their name and recognize their victimization. This law not only changes the legal definition but also reflects a moral and ethical statement – every person is entitled to full protection of their body and dignity. Today we say to all victims – we see you, we recognize your pain, and we fight for you."

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