Environment, ESG

EIB to invest 250 million Euros in Israeli Green Projects

The European Investment Bank or EIB signed a memorandum of understanding with Bank Leumi to promote green projects launched by small and medium businesses.

(Photo: chayanuphol/Shutterstock)

The European Investment Bank has signed a memorandum of understanding with Bank Leumi, per which it the former will provide the latter with 250 million Euros for green projects launched by small and medium businesses, according to reporting by Globes.

Bank Leumi has long been a stalwart of "green investing" and aims to have 35 billion NIS in "green credit" by 2035. It has also been ranked among the top 100 companies committed to ESG principles by Entropy.

The EIB, meanwhile, is considered to be the largest investor in green projects around the world, aiming to invest a trillion dollars in environmental and climate related projects by 2030.


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