Israel-Gaza War

Despite police blockades: Protesters preventing aid from entering Gaza

Despite police attempts to block access roads, dozens of protesters managed to slip through and blockade the Nitzana Crossing.

Protesters at Nitzana Crossing (Photo: Tzav 9)

Anti-aid protesters managed to slip through police blockades and block aid trucks and supplies from reaching Gaza.

According to the protesters, "Victory depends on us. If Israel's citizens take a stand, we can and will succeed in changing the reality. We march on behalf of all those who took a day off work, and travelled for hours to bypass the checkpoints."

"With great determination and love for the State of Israel, they succeed time and time again in stopping the supply to Hamas. The Nitzana Crossing was blocked by our activists and many hundreds more from all over the country are on their way here. No aid will go through until all the hostages come home," they were quoted as saying.

Protesters aren't the only ones tryingto preventing aid from reaching Gaza. Yesterday it was reported that Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is trying to prevent as much wheat and flour shipments as possible from reaching the UNRWA offices in the Strip and that the Americans are expressing frustration with the move.

Smotrich's office stated in response to the reports: "Now the world also knows that UNRWA is a central part of the war machine of the Nazi Hamas terrorists. There is a wall-to-wall consensus in the emergency government and the cabinet on the need to prevent aid from reaching Hamas and that is what I will do."


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