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Halocha, Hezbollah

Should we celebrate the pager explosions which killed and maimed thousands of Hezbollah fighters?

Here's what Rav Yair Hoffman says on this subject.

Scene of one of yesterday's pager explosions in Lebanon
Photo: Uncredited

It looked like something from a history book. Thousands of terrorists from Hezbollah, our sworn adversaries, vanquished in a single blow. By pagers, of all things! What else might be the hand of Hashem if that?

But this is where it becomes tricky. After the news, some yeshiva bochrim broke into a dance, their hearts still raw from all the losses they had experienced since that horrible Simchas Torah.

Is it fair to blame them? At last, hope after months of pain and terror!

In an article on Yeshiva World News earlier today (Wednesday), Rav Yair Hoffman questions whether this dancing is appropriate. Is it allowed according to halochah? On the one hand, he tells us that, in fact, Mishlei 24:18 forbids such happiness. But if you go to Mishlei 11:10, you will see that it says the exact opposite.

For ages, our gedolim have struggled with this. The Ralbag is concerned about going overboard. Rabbeinu Yonah says that it is acceptable but only if we celebrate Hashem's honor rather than our own success. The Alshich makes a distinction between those who battle against Hashem and those who are personal adversaries.

However, when it comes to Hezbollah, we need to bear in mind that these are not your average foes. Terrorists like this have vowed to destroy us. And our bochrim who dance? They're not only having fun. Even while they mourn their lost friends and family, they are giving thanks to Hashem for this miracle.

So perhaps their dance perfectly captures our current state of affairs: We are thankful for Hashem's protection, optimistic about the future, and always aware of our losses.

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