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A Haredi family made aliyah to Israel from this unexpected place 

A Haredi family immigrated from Romania to Israel, which is quite rare; the parents immigrated in order to provide their children with a Jewish, Torah education.

Romanian synagogue
Photo: Oana08/ SHutterstock

A great deal of excitement gripped this Haredi family as soon as they landed in Israel. They made the journey from a country which has almost no Jews making aliyah - Romania.

It's not a routine thing for an entire family from Romania to immigrate to Israel. This happened as a result of a deep connection that was formed with Rabbi Shlomo Neilinger, the founder and director of hospitality in the town of "Kartschenf" (Kratshnif) near Sigat.

The family became acquainted with Rabbi Neilinger due to his hospitality activities, and he helped them in the process of immigrating to Israel. Similarly, about two months ago, Rabbi Yehoshua Adler, who deals with kiruv in Budapest, held a bar mitzvah for a boy from the family.

The parents' only desire is to provide their children with a Torah education, and for this purpose they gave up a life of comfort, and left everything in order to educate their children in Torah and fear of God.

* Bihadrei Haredim contributed to this article.

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