Baruch Dayan HaEmet

TRAGEDY: Chabad emissaries' two-year-old son passes away after long battle

Shalom Brod, the young son of Chabad emissaries, passed away on the second night of Hanukkah. He was just months shy of his third birthday.

(Photo: Shutterstock)

Shalom, Brod, son of Rabbi Avraham and Mrs. Fruma Brod who serve the Detroit Jewish community, had been fighting for his life since experiencing a serious accident shortly before his first birthday.

Despite doctors' dire predictions, he survived for almost two years, during which time Jewish communities worldwide united in prayer and good deeds for his recovery.

According to COLlive, Shalom had been a healthy child before the accident. His condition had improved against medical expectations, but took a sudden turn for the worse this week during Hanukkah.

"We are grateful to everyone who prayed and did everything possible to save our son's life," the family said in a statement. "We await the coming of Mashiach, when we will be reunited with Shalom."

Shalom is survived by his parents and three siblings - Levi, Esther, and Yerachmiel. The funeral was held before Shabbat at a cemetery in Queens, New York.

The news has deeply affected both the Detroit Jewish community and the broader Chabad movement, where the Brods serve as emissaries (shluchim) dedicated to strengthening Jewish life in their area.


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