Can't believe how quickly this Chanukah flew by

The Eighth Day: Understanding Zos Chanuka

Let the light of Chanuka illuminate our path forward long after the last candle has burned out.

Hanukkiyah (Photo: Shutterstock / Oksana Mizina)

The final day of Chanukah, known in Jewish tradition as "Zos Chanuka" (literally "This is Chanukah"), holds special significance beyond being simply the conclusion of the eight-day festival. This day gets its unique name from the Torah reading of that day, which includes the phrase "Zos Chanukas Hamizbeach" - "This was the dedication of the altar."

According to Jewish mystical teachings, Zos Chanuka represents the ultimate culmination of the spiritual energies of the entire holiday. While each day of Chanukah builds in holiness, the eighth day is considered the final seal. Much like a signature at the bottom of a letter makes the entire document binding, this day is seen as the seal that confirms and establishes all the spiritual accomplishments of the previous seven days.

The day carries particular weight in Chassidic tradition. The Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement, taught that it's the final opportunity to capture the unique spiritual light of Chanukah. Many Chassidic courts have special customs for this day, including extending the lighting of the menorah well into the night and gathering for festive meals.

There's also a practical aspect to Zos Chanuka - it's the only day when all eight candles of the menorah burn together in their full glory. This complete illumination symbolizes the perfection and completeness that the holiday aims to achieve.

Some communities maintain the custom of staying awake until the Chanukah candles burn out completely on this night, seeing it as an especially auspicious time for prayer and spiritual connection. The day is also considered particularly powerful for prayers for healing, drawing on the numerical value of the Hebrew word for "oil" (shemen) which equals that of "neshama" (soul).

In modern Jewish life, Zos Chanuka serves as a moment of reflection - a time to internalize the lessons of the festival before returning to the routine of daily life. It's seen as an opportunity to "pack up" the spiritual gifts of the holiday and bring them into the darker winter months ahead.


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