The farce continues

Ireland officially enters Hague proceedings against Israel

Dublin aligns with South Africa's lawsuit alleging genocide violations in Gaza.

(Photo: Menno van der Haven/ Shutterstock)

Ireland officially announced today (Tuesday) that it has joined the proceedings at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, in a lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel for violating the Convention for the Prevention of Genocide.

The initial lawsuit was filed by South Africa on December 29, 2023, and included requests for interim measures aimed at "preventing irreparable damage to the rights of the Palestinian people" and ensuring Israel's compliance with its obligations.

During 2024, the court made a number of decisions regarding interim measures, including additional measures scheduled in March and May of that year.

Ireland is not the only country that has filed a request for intervention in the case. Other countries, including Colombia, Turkey, Chile, and Spain, submitted their own declarations of intervention during 2024, with the intention of influencing the legal interpretation of the Convention for the Prevention of Genocide.

Last month, Foreign Minister Gideon Sa'ar ordered the closure of the Israeli embassy in Ireland following the current government's anti-Israel attitude, Israel's accusation of "genocide" in Gaza, and its joining the prosecution in The Hague.

* Channel 14 contributed to this article.


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