Israel-Gaza War

Joining the Fight: 120 Charedim Begin Enlistment Into the Army

The new recruits will be placed in positions matching their civilian skills. Two new Nachal Charedi combat companies will also be formed.

(Photo: Yaakov Lederman/Flash90)

After many requests from Charedim to join the war effort, some 120 Charedim presented this morning (Monday) at the Recruitment Office at Tel Hashomer base and will begin an expedited enlistment process.

The new recruits will go through basic training, at the end of which they will be placed in positions befitting their civilian skills such as ambulance drivers, medics, paramedics, and in the Military Rabbinate. Another procedure is advancing where recruits will not need to undergo basic training and will serve as an auxiliary force where needed.

Yesterday (Sunday) it was reported that in light of the many requests received by the IDF from Charedim who wished to enlist, it was decided to form two new combat companies within the Nachal Charedi Battalions. The IDF Spokesperson stated that over 2000 Charedim have appealed to the army to enlist since the beginning of the war.

Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman MK Avigdor Lieberman also addressed the spirit of Charedi enlistment in the IDF due to the war. In a tweet he posted on X, he wrote: “Mutual solidarity is expressed not only in spirit, but also in deeds. To see so many Charedi guys, at every age, seeking to enlist in the IDF, and be an inseparable part of those who bear the burden especially in these difficult days, undoubtedly warms the heart and attests to the strength of Israeli society.”


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Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF blows up tunnel over a kilometer long

In the course of raids into the northern Gaza Strip, the IDF located and destroyed a terror tunnel in the Beit Lahia area.

Avi Woolf | 26.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Palestinian Islamic Jihad fires rockets at Ashkelon

No casualties have been reported from the attack so far. One rocket has started a fire near Kibbutz Erez.

Avi Woolf | 26.07.24

IDF, Hezbollah

IDF spots Hezbollah terrorists entering building, then blows it up | Watch

The IDF also intercepted one rocket fired towards the upper Galilee.

Avi Woolf | 26.07.24

Houthis, Hodeidah Attack

Houthi leader promises retaliation after Israel's Hodeidah strike 

Houthi rebels vow an inevitable response to Israeli airstrikes near Yemen’s key port, following their UAV attack on Tel Aviv.

Avi Nachmani | 26.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Fallen Soldier

Cleared for publication: Corporal (Res.) Moti Rave killed in southern Gaza

Corporal (Res.) Moti Rave, 37, who served as a Combat Machinery Operator in the Givati Brigade, has fallen in southern Gaza.

Avi Nachmani | 26.07.24

IDF, North fires, Rockets, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Israel

IDF Spokesperson in Troubling Statement: "Interception Attempts Failed"

The IDF spokesman referred to the fires that broke out in the north, saying that it happened from interceptions that failed and failed to hit the hostile targets: "Interception attempts were made that did not succeed"

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Netanyahu, Hostage rescue, Gaza, Captivity

Netanyahu: 'Committed to Our Sacred Mission, to Bring Everyone Home'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the return of the bodies of the hostages who had been held by Hamas and expressed his condolences to the families. He also reiterated his commitment to the mission of bringing everyone home.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Noa Argamani, Fallen soldier, Hostage Rescue, Gaza

Noa Argamani Pays Tribute to Arnon Zamora: "You Will Always Be in My Heart"

Noa Argamani paid tribute to Arnon Zamora, who led the rescue operation that freed her from Hamas captivity in Gaza and was killed during the mission. "I promise you that I will remember and honor you and your act of heroism everywhere. You will always be in my heart."

| Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Gaza Tunnels, IDF, Israel war, terrorism

Disturbing news: What the IDF Discovered About Hamas Tunnels

Recent IDF operations have revealed troubling data about Hamas's terror tunnels. "It's like a spider's web: if you cut one tunnel, alternative tunnels automatically appear, and the network can continue to exist," said Uri Isaac on N12, quoting a senior security official.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

IDF, Terror attack, terrorist search, West Bank

Hours After Shooting Attack: IDF Continues Search for terrorists responsible

Hours after a terror attack in Samaria in which 3 soldiers were injured, IDF forces continue to scan the area for the attackers. Since the beginning of the week, approximately 50 wanted individuals have been arrested throughout Judea and Samaria.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Hamas, Israel, Gaza Strip, leadership, terrorism

Hamas and Israel agreed: this is the man who will control Gaza after the war

According to the report in the Wall Street Journal, officials in the US, Israel and the Arab countries mark the former senior Fatah official, Muhammad Dahlan, as the man who will rule Gaza at the end of the war.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24


IDF strikes Hezbollah terror targets | Watch

The IDF struck military targets and terror infrastructure in the area of Ayta ash-Shab and Aitaroun in southern Lebanon.

Avi Woolf | 25.07.24