The Rain has Weakened; The First Storm is on the Way: Weather Forecast
Weather will be unchanged in temperatures. The rain will continue but will weaken a little. At the beginning of the week, the first storm of the season is expected. Weather Forecast.

Weather will be unchanged in temperatures. The rain will continue but will weaken a little. At the beginning of the week, the first storm of the season is expected.
Thursday: Clear to partly cloudy. In the north of the country and on the coastal plain, there may be light local rain. There will be a slight increase in temperatures.
Friday: Partly cloudy. Mostly light local rain is expected in the north of the country and on the coastal plain. No noticeable change in temperatures.
Saturday: Partly cloudy. Local rain is possible in the north of the country and on the coastal plain. No noticeable change in temperatures.
Sunday: Rain is expected from time to time in the north of the country, and there is a fear of flooding in the northern coastal plain. Strong winds will blow. Haze is expected in the south of the country and possibly in the center as well. From noon, the rain will strengthen and gradually spread to the north of the Negev, accompanied by isolated thunderstorms. From the afternoon there is a risk of floods in the streams of the Dead Sea and the Judean Desert and flooding in the coastal cities. Temperatures will drop mainly in the north of the country.