Israel Police, Terrorism

Watch: Suspects in Jerusalem ramming attack arrested

Two suspects involved in a ramming attack in Jerusalem were located and apprehended.

Israel Police senior officers at a situational post-attack assessment. (Photo: Israel Police Spokesperson)

The Israel Police reports that it has apprehended the two terrorists who engaged in a ramming attack near central Jerusalem.

Early this morning (Wednesday), two terrorists engaged in a ramming attack with a vehicle and then tried without success to fire at civilians with a "Carlo" submachine gun. The terrorists then fled until they were found by the police to be hiding in a closed business.

Watch their apprehension here:

Arrest of terror suspects. (Source: Israel Police Spokesperson)


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Gaza Tunnels, IDF, Israel war, terrorism

Disturbing news: What the IDF Discovered About Hamas Tunnels

Recent IDF operations have revealed troubling data about Hamas's terror tunnels. "It's like a spider's web: if you cut one tunnel, alternative tunnels automatically appear, and the network can continue to exist," said Uri Isaac on N12, quoting a senior security official.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

IDF, Terror attack, terrorist search, West Bank

Hours After Shooting Attack: IDF Continues Search for terrorists responsible

Hours after a terror attack in Samaria in which 3 soldiers were injured, IDF forces continue to scan the area for the attackers. Since the beginning of the week, approximately 50 wanted individuals have been arrested throughout Judea and Samaria.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Houthis, terror threat, Israel war

Houthi threat: This is what our attack on Israel will look like

The leader of the Houthis organization, Abd al-Malik al-Houthi, declares they are preparing a significant response against Israel: "Joint operations with militias will bear witness to a significant development."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.07.24

Paris Olympics 2024, Hackers, Israeli Athletes

Israeli athletes targeted: Hackers leak personal data from Paris games

Sensitive photos, military details, and passwords exposed; Hackers claim Israeli soldiers are inciting violence in Paris.

Avi Nachmani | 25.07.24

France, Iran, Terrorism

FM Katz to France: Iran-backed terrorists targeting Israeli Olympians and tourists

The Foreign Minister provided this warning as the Israeli Olympic team remains under very heavy security.

Avi Woolf | 25.07.24

Germany, Israel, Anti-Semitism, Iran extremism

With Israeli assistance: Germany takes step against Iran

The German Interior Minister announced today the prohibition of activities at the Islamic Centre in Hamburg (IZH) and its branches across Germany due to their connections with Iran and attempts to propagate revolutionary Islamic ideology. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 24.07.24

Terrorism, West Bank, Israel, Ramallah, explosives

Two Ramallah residents arrested with 4 explosive devices

In a joint operational activity involving the Israeli police, IDF, and Shin Bet, two residents of Ramallah were arrested last night for attempting several attacks in the Benjamin region over the past month.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 24.07.24

Palestinian Authority Police, Anti-Terrorism

Palestinian Authority policeman killed in  encounter with IDF in Samaria 

IDF forces operating in Tubas encountered terrorists and an armed Palestinian who served as a customs officer in the PA was killed in the encounter.

Avi Nachmani | 24.07.24

IDF, Terror Attack

Watch: IDF demolishes home of terrorist responsible for Eli gas station attack

Israeli forces conducted a nighttime raid in Qalandiya to demolish the home of a terrorist responsible for a deadly terror attack earlier this year. The operation, which resulted in multiple arrests, was met with resistance from local residents, leading to confrontations with Israeli troops.

Gila Isaacson, JFeed Staff | 24.07.24

State Comtroller, October 7 Massacre

Shocking errors uncovered in identifying October 7 victims: What went wrong?

When choosing between speed and accuracy, Israel chose speed in identifying victims of the Hamas massacre and serious mistakes were made. Here's what we know.

Gila Isaacson | 24.07.24

Radical Imam Convicted

This radical Imam finally found guilty of terrorism

Infamous Islamist preacher faces "a significant sentence" after being convicted of terrorism offenses.

Avi Nachmani | 24.07.24

Paris Olympics 2024, Israeli team, terror threats

Explicit Threat: "Rivers of Blood Will Flow in Paris"

One of the terrorist organizations has posted a video on social media: "France will pay for supporting Zionists." This comes after Iran called for Israel to be banned from participating in the upcoming Olympics.

| Eliana Fleming | 23.07.24