Voting Survey

Survey: Netanyahu ahead, but doesn't have enough to form government

A Channel 14 survey places the Likud back in the lead and shows that the Israeli public is convinced that American pressure on Israel is political in nature.

Binyamin Netanyahu (Photo: Miriam Alster/Flash90)

A Channel 14 poll conducted by Direct Polls places Netanyahu in first place in all data, with the right-wing coalition gaining momentum.

According to the survey results, after entering Rafah and standing firm in the face of President Biden's ultimatums, Prime Minister Netanyahu soars in all categories. Netanyahu overtakes Benny Gantz in questions of compatibility to serve as head of state by a margin of no less than 13%, with Gantz receiving only 33% of the popular support, compared to Netanyahu's 46%.

If elections were to be held today, the Likud would get a clear majority with 25 seats to Gantz's 23, Yesh Atid - 13, Shas - 10, Otzma Yehudit - 9, Yisrael Beytenu and United Torah Judaism with 8, Ra'am with 6, Religious Zionism and Labour with 5 apiece, Meretz, which still remains without a party leader, gets 4 and the Hadash-Ta'al - 4.

In terms of the division into blocs, the Right would end up with 57 seats, while the Left grabs 53. The Arabs parties would tip the scales with a combined 10. According to this survey, even if it agrees to sit with the Arab Ra'am party, the Left will not be able to form a coalition.


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