
Voting Survey
Survey: Netanyahu ahead, but doesn't have enough to form government

A Channel 14 survey places the Likud back in the lead and shows that the Israeli public is convinced that American pressure on Israel is political in nature.

JFeed Staff | 10.05.24

Naftali Bennett, Elections in Israel

Latest survey: This scenario would transform Israel's political map

After Yair Golan's announcement that he intends to run for leadership of the Labor Party, a new survey examined the political map according to a number of likely scenarios.

gila isaacson, JFeed Staff | 07.03.24

Elections poll

Survey: Ben Gvir 10 seats ahead of Smotrich 

The current coalition would end up getting just 44 seats to the opposition's 76 if elections were held today.

JFeed Staff | 24.02.24

Good News for Netanyahu

After 52 Days: Good News for Netanyahu; On One Condition

Against the background of the question of the day after the war, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today receives happy news in the form of internal survey data. All the details.

JFeed | 27.11.23

Disturbing Survey

The Same Enemy: 68% of Judea and Samaria Arabs Support the Massacre | Disturbing Survey

A survey conducted at Birzeit University presents disturbing data: 68% of Judea and Samaria Arabs support the massacre, 79% believe that the war will end with the release of all prisoners and 98% are proud to be Palestinians following the events | survey

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 16.11.23

Survey: The Map of Coalitions

Survey: Gantz is losing mandates; this is how the map of coalitions looks

A new mandate survey suggests that the coalition's successful week has earned it two more mandates. Gantz continues to weaken, and Ben-Gvir is on the verge of the electoral threshold

JFeed | 29.09.23

A Blow to the Protest

A blow to the protest against the Yom Kippur prayer

A new survey published this evening reveals that over 60% of Israeli citizens disapprove of the protest that took place last night against the Yom Kippur prayer in Tel Aviv. Additionally, 49% responded that they support separation in public spaces

JFeed | 26.09.23