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Israel-Gaza War

"You took us back 500 years!": IDF Spokesperson in Arabic shows discontent in Gaza towards Hamas

The IDF Spokesperson in Arabic posted a video on X showing Gazans who believe Hamas has brought ruin to the Gaza Strip.

Gazans criticizing Hamas.

The IDF Spokesperson in Arabic posted a social media video on X today (Thursday), showing Gazans sharply criticizing Hamas for the destruction they brought to the script.

The Spokesperson quoted the “The Hamas leadership is dirty...a leadership that does not represent us...have mercy on us and leave the Gaza sector...our whole lives have been took us back 500 years...we want our children to go to school, why is Hamas doing wrong with us...You are killing your own people. Our children are victims of Hamas."

He ends by saying that "The people of Gaza hate Hamas and Sinwar."

Watch the video here:

Source: IDF Spokesperson in Arabic

According to a Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research survey published today, 79% believe Hamas will win the war, and 61% prefer that Hamas continue to rule in the Gaza Strip after the war (71% in Judea and Samaria and 46% in the Gaza Strip).


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