The hunt is over

Border breach thwarted as three infiltrators from Jordan captured by IDF 

Suspected weapons smugglers apprehended near Nahal Zin; transferred for interrogation.

(Photo: Jamal Awad/ Flash90)

IDF forces and Israel Police arrested the three suspects active on the Jordanian border today (Thursday) in the area of Nahal Zin. Channel 14 reported that the three are suspected of involvement in the smuggling of weapons.

Earlier today a security breach was detected along the Jordanian border near Ne'ot HaKikar, as multiple suspects were spotted infiltrating Israeli territory.

The IDF said that the suspects were transferred to the security forces for interrogation and that the incident was over.

In the afternoon the IDF confirmed that a suspected infiltration of terrorists was being investigated on the Jordanian border, south of the Dead Sea, and many forces were dispatched to the scene and searches and blockades were carried out in the area for suspects.

Only last October, terrorists infiltrated the area of Moshav Neot HaKikar in the Tamar Regional Council, opened fire at IDF soldiers and were neutralized when one of our soldiers was wounded. Two of them were killed and their bodies were transferred to Jordan this week under the instructions of the political echelon.

The border with Jordan has been a threat since the outbreak of the war. Some even define it as "the main immediate threat to the citizens of Israel." This is because Iran is investing a lot of money in developing a smuggling route for Jordan because of its peace treaty with Israel, which will prevent it from responding forcefully.


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