No Good Guys In This Fight

PM Benjamin Netanyahu fears Bashar Assad's regime might "collapse"

The security establishment was taken by surprise at the speed of the rebels' advance from the north and the weakness of Assad's army. And what is Hezbollah doing?

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. (Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

The Prime Minister is currently conducting a meeting tonight (Thursday) with the heads of the defense establishment regarding the fall of the Syrian city of Hama to anti-Assad forces, according to Army Radio.

The security establishment was reportedly taken aback at the speed of the rebels' advance and the swift collapse of Assad's forces, as well as Russia's relative inaction compared to years ago when it engaged in intensive aerial bombardment of Assad's enemies.

The government now fears that not only will Assad's regime possibly collapse, but that Iran will gain an even stronger foothold in the country in an effort to "save" him, which would mean more weapons and manpower to throw at Israel from multiple directions.

Hezbollah, meanwhile, is increasingly focused on the Syrian front rather than Lebanon, as it possesses multiple weapons caches and bases in the country, some of which have fallen to the rebels.


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